Please fill in the following details if you would like to receive our monthly newsletter.
Last Name:
First Name:
Mailing Address:
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E-mail address(optional):
Survey: to better meet the needs of our audiences we would appreciate it if you could fill in the following information and add any comments you feel appropriate. Thankyou.
Please select an answer in each of the following categories:
Under 21 22-30 31-50 Over 50
Type of performance you prefer:
Musicals Plays Comedies Theatre/Restaurant Other
List the titles of any plays you would like to see "Phoenix" perform:
Have you seen a play by "Phoenix" before? If so, what was the title and what were your opinions?
Would you like to make any further comments about our company, the shows etc?
Thankyou for your assistance. Our theatre group belongs to the community and as such we appreciate your honest comments.